Contact Us

As noted in our mission statement, we take great pride in designing, manufacturing and supplying the most innovative parts and services available for your Corvair while adhering to uncompromising quality standards.   

Located in Southern California,  we currently operate as a hobby and not a full time business.   If you require additional information on a part or service listed on this site or would like to purchase some of our fine products, please send us a note using the link below. 

We would be happy to notify you when new products or services become available.  We currently have under design, development and testing many new additions to our growing list of innovative performance parts for your Corvair.   

To be added to the notify list,  please send us a note using the link below stating you would like to be added to the new product list   When a product or service is ready for public release you will be sent a brief note via email detailing the new addition.

Sorry, because of the abuse of Spam, we have removed valid e-mail links on this site.  When you click on the below link you will need to remove the "clean_" from the e-mail address.  After doing this, the valid address will look like the below example:


Send us a note.  Be sure to follow the above instructions.

Some helpful hints when sending an e-mail.

We do not rent, share, sell or release any private information. This includes email addresses.


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